Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Chivalry Isn't Dead After All

In one of my earlier posts titled "Chivalry Can't Be Dead", I shared a couple of the funnier but sad situations I was in when it came to being approached by men. Well, I am here to tell you that there is hope. I recently met and had a lovely date with a true gentleman. He approached me in a respectful manner, our converstions have been light hearted and interesting, and I do not feel as if I am wearing a porkchop suit while standing in the middle of hungry lions. We had a nice dinner, went for a nice stroll in the city, and the conversation seemed endless. It was like a great breath of fresh air to be out with someone who respected me and treated me like a lady. I felt as if he was attracted to both my outer and inner beauty. It was as if I was being courted (I went old school on ya with that one... lol). My "peoples" as I call my love ones (friends and family) know me and appreciate me as who I am and that is a blessing, but it is truly refreshing to be treated like the lady I am. Not to worry, I did my part to treat him like the gentleman he is (or at least I hope I did *smiles*).
So to all the ladies out there, there are true gentlemen available. There are men who respect themselves enough to want to show they know how to make a lady happy and can hold off telling you in detail all they wish to do to you sexually. And as many of us know, those who has to talk about it may not know how to be about it. I shared this story for one main reason. If I can share stories of the not so great part of dating, I can also share the good part. I don't believe in male bashing and I don't generalize by saying "All Men Are...". I see each man as they present themselves to me and go from there. No, I am not every man's dream nor would I want to be. No, I am not every man's nightmare nor would I want to be. I am just a simple, easy going lady who would (and I am quoting one of my aunts) not mind having someone to enjoy a slice of cake and a cup of coffee with.

Friday, July 20, 2012

When Life Hands You Lemons....

It is said that God puts folks in your life... Some for a reason and others for only a season. It is also said that things happen for reasons that only God know why and it is how we choose to approach whatever determines the outcome. I for one am a true believer.
I have been thrown off my course and plans I had set for what I thought my life was to be has changed. Every time I think I have it right, it appears that I actually have it left (play on words... hehe). I've always enjoyed cooking for as far as I could remember. As a little girl, I would go in the kitchen and watch my mom cook and be amazed. That was sort of our bonding time one could say. While we would talk/laugh, I would pay close attention to her as she prepared every meal. Sometimes she would call me to come join her in the kitchen. Just thinking about it now I have a smile on my face and tears in my eyes. My father would watch television and my sister would be in our room reading waiting to be called after everything was done. When I was tall enough to reach the stove, my mom allowed me to help with preparing the meals and then eventually I would just take over and she would sit and watch (criticizing and questioning... hehe) while we talked. Cooking was always more of a hobby for me. I would collect recipes, watch cooking shows, and just experiment with different flavors and combinations. I would see a meal that called for expensive ingredients and I would add my own little twists and turn it into my own. Never in a million years did I think it was even possible for me to get into the Culinary Industry and forget about becoming a Chef. I thought my career path would be in Sociology, Psychiatry, or some type of work that required me to work with children. I made 3 attempts to go to college and all 3 times I failed. The first time I put going into college on hold to help out a family member, the second time I actually was accepted but the day I was to start I caught a terrible flu and missed the entire week that I had to enter, and the third time I was told my father made too much money for financial aid. I looked at that lady and said, "Oh really? Where is all this money going cause we sure don't see it?"
So then I decided that I needed to look for work so I can go to school. "Isn't it supposed to be the other way around?" I asked myself while I cruised through the newspapers and an opportunity presented itself. I ended up working not only in a professional kitchen but for me it was as if I entered a culinary school that paid me to be there. Catering/Restaurant and a hint of Hotel type of work. I started at the entry level and what was supposed to be a temporary job turned into a 15 plus years career. The more I learned, the more I wanted to learn. The more obstacles I had to go through, the more I would prove that I could get through them as a victor and not a victim. Just as I was settling into what I thought would be where I would later retire, I had the rug pulled from under me. I had an on the job accident which at first I thought was minor but it turned out to be more serious than expected. I had a nasty slip and fall that ended my career. I will no longer be able to actively work in the culinary field. I refused to accept it at first but I know that everything happens for a reason. God put me in this line of work for His reason just as he has taken me out of it for His reason. I am optimistic that whatever is lined up for me will be something else for me to succeed at but I would be fibbing if I were to say that I don't and won't miss it. I have my moments when I feel sad but I will not allow it to get me down. I am much too strong and stubborn to give up.
In normal situations, people who have a large circle find that it gets smaller when something happens but for me, I have a lot more supporters and people who care for me than expected. I have my normal go to crew but the wave of support I've been receiving is humbling and lets me know that I am doing something right somewhere. With all the time off, I have tried to use it wisely. It has allowed me to reconnect with people, allowed me to get closer with my family/friends, it has allowed room for me to make new friends, and also shown me the few who needed to become a distant memory. I have an even greater appreciation for life and taking time to enjoy it even more. There are moments when I am in so much pain, I feel as if I am tired of taking medication, and frustrated because I am not able to get up and do/go at the same rapid speed as before. There are times when I cry because it appears as if life is going on but my life is on hold or at a standstill but then I look at the positives. I have a loving group of supporters who does not mind being available for/to me. I have a roof over my head, I am still able to move around, you can look at me and see I am not rapidly losing weight so I'm not missing any meals (lol), and I still have my sense of humor. I love hearing folks laugh at my silly sayings and stories. For me, that is a huge part of my healing. I'm not used to being fussed over and I am still getting used to being taken care of... but I have to say it does feel nice :-)
With the lemons I've been handed, I choose to make lemon cake, lemon herb chicken, lemon tea, etc... Two things you can tell about me. One, I have a positive outlook on life and two, I am a tad bit greedy... lol!