A true friend will be there for you..
When you need them and they need you too
A true friend will not try to harm you in any kind of way
Not with the things they do or the words they say
A true friend don't make promises they can not keep
To prove that they are not a creep
A true friend doesn't try to impress
Because when they come as only their true selves, they show the best
A true friend will not lie to cover up their verbs
Because everybody knows that actions speak louder than words
A true friend should be able to enjoy one anothers company
Without having envy going through their body
A true friend should know what the word "friend" really mean and not only see what they beleive to be true
True friends settle their differences right away so their friendship won't be through!
(and that's only if that is what they want to do)
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