Recently some events occurred that reminded me about one of my favorite childhood stories, "Goldilocks and The Three Bears". Most people feel sorry for little Goldilocks but I've always cheered for the bears. Think about it for a second. Papa, Momma, and Baby Bear went for a walk while waiting for their hot cereal to reach the temperature they each desired when this intruder just came in and picked at two of the bear's food and ate all of poor Baby Bear's food. After that, she just sat in each of their chairs until she found one that was comfortable and to top it all off, she again disrupting two of the bear's beds and slept in poor Baby Bear's bed. She was totally lucky that Papa Bear wasn't packing heat and popped a cap in her. Goldilocks in all of her selfishness got scared when she saw the Bear family looking at her and ran away. Now had she ate from only one bowl, sat in one chair, and didn't bother about going into the bedroom (cause as we all know, that's a big no no to go into someone's bedroom without permission), who knows what may have happened. In fact, why not wait for them to return and ask for something to eat? Pretty much she got what she thought she needed and ran. Now look at Snow White. The Seven Dwarfs took her in and she showed her appreciation by making their beds, making sure they had a hot meal after a long hard day working in the mines, and keeping the house clean. It worked out perfect for everyone. Why is it that we as human beings don't think that way? Most of us are opera singers (Me-Me-Me-Me-Meeeeee). We do whatever we can to get ahead without acknowledging those who helped us get to there. There are those of us who wants to reap the rewards without working hard for the benefits. Anything worth having is definitely worth working hard for. More great things can be accomplished when we work together instead of expecting someone to do the work for us. Each of us has a role to play in each other's lives but a lot us don't want the responsibility to live up to that role. When time arrives for us to face our truth, running away from it appears to be the best way to handle it instead of facing it head on. So indirectly, we end up sabotaging ourselves then blame others for our misfortune. Michael Jackson (RIP) said it best when he wrote the song "Man In The Mirror". One's self is the only one we can not lie to.
We all were born stars. That is a given but it is up to us to decide how bright we shine.
We all were born stars. That is a given but it is up to us to decide how bright we shine.
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