Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Chivalry Isn't Dead After All

In one of my earlier posts titled "Chivalry Can't Be Dead", I shared a couple of the funnier but sad situations I was in when it came to being approached by men. Well, I am here to tell you that there is hope. I recently met and had a lovely date with a true gentleman. He approached me in a respectful manner, our converstions have been light hearted and interesting, and I do not feel as if I am wearing a porkchop suit while standing in the middle of hungry lions. We had a nice dinner, went for a nice stroll in the city, and the conversation seemed endless. It was like a great breath of fresh air to be out with someone who respected me and treated me like a lady. I felt as if he was attracted to both my outer and inner beauty. It was as if I was being courted (I went old school on ya with that one... lol). My "peoples" as I call my love ones (friends and family) know me and appreciate me as who I am and that is a blessing, but it is truly refreshing to be treated like the lady I am. Not to worry, I did my part to treat him like the gentleman he is (or at least I hope I did *smiles*).
So to all the ladies out there, there are true gentlemen available. There are men who respect themselves enough to want to show they know how to make a lady happy and can hold off telling you in detail all they wish to do to you sexually. And as many of us know, those who has to talk about it may not know how to be about it. I shared this story for one main reason. If I can share stories of the not so great part of dating, I can also share the good part. I don't believe in male bashing and I don't generalize by saying "All Men Are...". I see each man as they present themselves to me and go from there. No, I am not every man's dream nor would I want to be. No, I am not every man's nightmare nor would I want to be. I am just a simple, easy going lady who would (and I am quoting one of my aunts) not mind having someone to enjoy a slice of cake and a cup of coffee with.

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